Sora Dietzinger

She completed her piano studies 2005-2007 at the International Anton Rubinstein- Music Academy Düsseldorf with Prof. Leontina Margulis with a successful degree in the Masterclass. She visited Mastercourses with Arbo Valdma, Jevgeny Malinin, Thérèse Dussaut, Dina Yoffe, Leonid Sintsev, Vitaly Margulis, Bernd Glemser and other renowned professors.
Sora Dietzinger has won multiple 1st prizes at international music competitions (in solo piano and piano- duo) in various countries:
Competitions "Johann Baptist Cramer" and "Reinhold Glière" in St. Georgen 2013, 2016, 2018: 1st prizes and 2020: Grand Prix
Badener piano- études competition in St. Georgen 2014: Grand Prix
Grand Concours International de Piano: GCIP-Final in Paris/ France 2016: 1st prize
Crossover- piano competition in Nagold 2017: 1st prizes and Special prize
IMKA/ Bosnia-Herzegowina and Rocky Mountain/ Canada online 2017, 2021: 1st places
Moreover she received 2nd prizes at the international competitions: Valeria Martina in Massafra/ Italy, Magnificat Lupiae in Lecce/ Italy, Concours Musical de France: CMF-Final in Paris/ France, Musical Fireworks in Baden-Württemberg and Grand Concours International de Piano: GCIP-Final in Paris/ France. 2nd prizes online she reiceved at: Grand Prize Virtuoso/ Austria, Golden Classical Music Awards/ USA, Silk Way/ Russia and Magic Muse/ Russia. At the international competition "Wiener Klassik" in Dresden she received the rating ´very good´. Early in her youth she received 7 times prizes at "Jugend musiziert".
Sora Dietzinger has been working as a freelance piano teacher for 25 years. In her extensive pedagogical work, she taught from 2001 until 2021 at the music schools in Künzelsau, Bensheim and Mutterstadt and at the Conservatory for Music in Kaiserslautern. Among her piano- pupils there are several prize- winners at youth- competitions. She is also a regular jury- member at the competition of the Conservatory of Music in Kaiserslautern.
In addition, she has been working as a eurythmy piano accompanist at the Free Waldorf School in Mannheim since 2015.
With great success she also has played four-hand in piano- duet with Nadja Estrina, André Erben and since 2014 regularly with Jessica Riemer.
Sora Dietzinger has given many concerts. In the age of 16 years she made her orchestra- debut as soloist with Mozart- piano concerto and performed the third Sonata of Prokofiew. In 1994 she absolved her Abitur in Heidelberg. Also she was correpetitor in chamber- music with other musicians for various years. The German- Korean musician has a wide- spreaded repertoire from the baroque, classic, romantic until the contemporary music (solo- and piano duo- repertoire). She performed many concerts in the Kulturhaus Wiesloch, Palatin Wiesloch, University of Music Mannheim, Hackmuseum Ludwigshafen, Musikhaus Hochstein Heidelberg, Steinway Düsseldorf, Schlösschen Limburgerhof, Alte Winziger Kirche Neustadt, Theodor Zink Museum Kaiserslautern, Evangelisches Gemeindehaus Herrenberg, Friedenskapelle Kaiserslautern, Orangerie Blieskastel, Stadtresidenz Heidelberg, Gartenschau Kaiserslautern, Katholische Kirche Sippersfeld, Residenz Rüppurr Karlsruhe, Dr. Lederer- Haus Rodalben, Congress Center Ramstein, Martin Luther Kirche Neustadt and in further music- halls. Several piano- duo concerts with Jessica Riemer have been successful with the motto: "A musical journey through different countries".
Sora Dietzinger is a member of the German Tonkünstlerverband.